Three rin(debts) of humans for leading a satisfied life

Three rin of Human Life

In modern times, Our life revolves around debts and repayments. Any things that we wish to have but cannot, loans are here, to make our path more easier to fulfill our dreams. But do you know that, Every human is born with three rin or three great debts, and they are bound to pay them in this life in order to live a fulfilled and complete life.   

Why three rin?

The concept of the three Rin is based on the idea that we are all indebted to others for our existence and well-being. We owe a debt to the gods for creating us, to our ancestors for giving us life, and to the sage for providing the knowledge from ancient times. 

 Everyone is born with these and none can get liberation – Moksha unless he discharges them. Manu lays down the dictum

After discharging the three debts, one should develop a longing for liberation. These rin or debts are:  

1. Dev Rin

What is Dev Rin?

The nature surrounding us plays an important role in our existence. The air we breathe, water we use, the food we eat, the earth we live, etc.. Our existence is dependent on the nature.  In Hinduism, every nature element is associated with different Devata. Indra is the devata for rain, Agni- the fire god is the one to provide energy including digestive energy, Varuna – the water deity is to regulates the general supply of water to the Universe, and so on.

From the moment we take birth to our departure from Earth, everything is provided to us. We should be thankful to Devatas/nature for taking care of us. That is why Hindu scripture suggests showing our gratitude towards the whole of nature by performing fire sacrifices or Yajna.  

In the Hindu concept of Brahman, the ultimate Reality is the only source of creation. The Devas or the gods are the different functionaries appointed by Him to supervise the administration of the Universe. Thus the Hindu Trinity, Brahma, Vishnu, and Mahesha, presides over creation, maintenance, and dissolution. This is a repeated process.  

 How to show our gratitude towards nature? 

There are also some daily rituals that we can perform like offering water to the rising sun, going to the river to bathe and fetch water, standing while facing the sun etc.

How to repay Dev Rin?  

We need to acquire true knowledge by learning Vedas and lead a life as a responsible member of society. 

2. Pitra Rin

Pitra Rin

What is Pitra Rin?

As humans, we are forever grateful to our parents and ancestors for granting us the gift of life.

How to repay Pitra Rin?

  1. To the departed souls, we offer our respects by remembering them on and often and by offering them ablutions.
  2.  The other part is discharged by giving birth to a child and thus perpetuating one’s family line.  

3. Rishi Rin

What is Rishi Rin?

From ancient times sages have accumulated knowledge and passed it on to us to live better lives. They also guide us on how to attain ultimate liberation or Moksha. Maharshi Veda Vyasa divided Vedas and wrote Mahabharata and Puranas. This knowledge guides us to live a fulfilled life and in the end, achieve Moksha. 

How to pay Rishi Rin? 

To pay this debt, we should learn the scripture, acquire their wisdom, and also pass it to the next generation. 

Other than these, there is also

  1. Samaj Rin – Gratitude towards society for teaching us how to live life. We can pay this debt by rendering selfless service to society.  
  2. Bhut Rin – Debt towards animals, plant lifes and the Panch Mahabhoot(earth, water, air, fire , wind and space). We can repay this debpt by being kind towards plant and animal and prohibit all the activies that disturb the environmental balance. 


Repaying our Rin is not just a religious obligation. It is also a way to show our gratitude for the gifts that we have been given. By repaying our debts, we can create a more meaningful and fulfilling life for ourselves and for others. 

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