Varna system - Social structure of ancient India

The significance of the varna system in ancient India

Social structure in ancient India – Varna system

Before understanding the Varna system, first, let’s understand the meaning of the word “Varna”.

What is Varna?  

In Sanskrit, varna, “color or shape,” derives from the root vr, which means “to cover, count, or classify.” In Hinduism Varna is for classifying society.  

Following Dharma/duties according to age, place and time is one of the pillars of Hinduism. Although Hindus must follow their general moral codes, each individual has their own dharma according to their interest, time, and place.  

E.g. If I am a student then my top priority is to study. If I am a married person then, taking care of the family comes first. So Dharma changes from person to person and from time to time. This is called Swa Dhrma literally means own duties.  

To help us identify our duties the system of four Varna and four ashrama came into exist. 

What is Varna system? 

There are some basic human nature, every person is born with one of them. 

  1. Urge to gain knowledge, reading, writing, and teaching .
  2. More interested in taking charge, strong leadership skills. 
  3. Inclined towards buying and selling, making own business running  
  4. More artistic thoughts, always ready to help others.  

Now, It would be great if people get to do it according to their own nature. They will be more satisfied, can contribute more towards society, and make a happy living. 

Choosing a work, according to one’s own nature is the base of the Varna system. 

The above four basic natures translated into the four varnas 

  1. Brahmin 
  2. Kshatriya 
  3. Vaishya 
  4. Shudra 

What are the duties of each Varna? 

1. Brahmin


Their responsibility is to acquire knowledge and impart it to others. They also have to follow all the rituals and perform them for the benefit of the other three groups. They are not supposed to acquire property. The duty of supporting them has been cast on the other three groups. Their behavior also has to be flawless and exemplary.  

2. Kshatriya


The Kshatriyas responsible for protecting the citizens of the State from internal as well as external enemies. They have the right to collect taxes from the citizens of the state for running their administration. The kings and their nobles and senior officers of the army were alone called the Kshatriyas. The Ministers and other advisors were also drawn from amongst the Brahmins and the Kshatriyas according to the requirements of the State.  On them depends the integrity of the State. They are required to be non-corrupt and above even a suspicion of corruption.

3. Vaishyas


This group was responsible for the production of wealth and its management. They were allowed to acquire as much wealth as they could by fair means and hold it in trust for the welfare of the State.  

4. Shudras


They were skilled artisans and craftsmen, allowed to acquire property and can earn money through their work, anyway by helping others.  

Purpose of the Varna System 

By following own duties according to their own varna would lead to an established society and avoid all forms of disputes. 

Each Varnas had its set of rules and regulations to support their own life and to form a strong social environment that led to the prosperity of people. 

Common Misunderstandings about Varna system

This is a caste system that divides society

Following your intrinsic nature has nothing to do with your family and your surname. If I want to be a doctor then, will the entrance exam check my family name or surname? Is it how I will get admission? Of course no, It solely depends on my knowledge and hard work.  

So Varna represents everyone’s nature to follow some work in society. It is a nature we are born with, not on which family I born.  

Of course there will be pressure from the family to inherit the family business like Brhamin asking his son/daughter to be Brhamin. Minister will expect that his son/daughter will also join politics.. But In the end, it depends on every individual.  

Varna system is not dividing society it manages the society, without these workgroups, society can not function. 

Varna decides through their birth 

As discussed every person is born with their own nature, but it has nothing to do with in which family you are born. If your father is doctor doesn’t mean that your destiny is to become doctor.  

Mistreated other varnas 

Over the period of time this distinction were become rigid. As the people following the particular varna started to get more wealth. Brahmin started to have more wealth in society because of their knowledge, King and administrators started to have more power through their strength. And they started to mistreat other society member to maintain their position.  

This Change became worse with the foreign invasion of India and was at peak level during the British time. Britisher took all the advantage of us and made this varna system more rigid. 

Varna system mentioned in Purush sukta in Rigveda 

Rigveda is the highest and oldest source of knowledge for humankind. Vedas are the creation of God not by humans. How can God divide their children?  

Purush Sukta talks about the four basic human nature.  

Brahmin is born from mouth

because people with this nature will always use their mouth the most for gaining and teaching knowledge.  

From arms born Kshatriya, soldiers, and administrators because for them hands the most important. From thighs born Vaishya. Businessmen need the mobility the most. So that comes from the thigh. The Shudra are always supporting the other three varna and the whole social structure so that is why they are compared with legs. 

Varna in Bhagavat Gita

In Sholka 18.41, Shri Krishna says “Brahmanas, Kshatriyas, Vaishyas, and Shudras are distinguished by the qualities born of their nature by the three material qualities.” 

It is believed that all humans by birth were Shudras. After completing their basic education they are free to choose their profession. This is called the second birth of the person as he will now work towards a specific goal. This is the reason Brahmins, Kshatriyas, and Vysyas are called DWIJ (twice-born). 


The Varna system in Hinduism reflects a complex social structure that has evolved over time. While its original intent may have been to organize society based on division of labor and aptitude, its rigid implementation based on birth has led to widespread social inequality and discrimination. Now it is our duty to spread the true knowledge of our scripture and try to reform the society in its original structure.  


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