Important cities of the Harappan civilization

Harappans were best known for their advanced water management and the systematic grid planning of cities. They were farmers, traders, and skilled workers. So far archeologists have excavated more than 1000 sites of the civilization. Here are a few most important sites which have some unique features. Harappa  The Harappa is located on the banks […]

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How were Harappans living their life?

Harrapans were urbanied and were living in a well-palnned cities. They were farmers, merchants, artists etc.. Weather in the Indus velly was nice and warm so people were spending most of the time outside. From the structure of their houses, we can conclude that they were divided into the 3 social groups.   Ruled   Merchants   Poor […]

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The creative side of the Harappan people

Harappans were more creative than any other ancient civilization, their art and craft are considered the world’s oldest. They gave us a lot of information about their life and their belief. Their art related to human and animal figures are life alike and completed with a master level of skill and caution. The different form […]

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Urban life of the Harappan people

Harappan people placed high values on the 3 things. City Planning One of the great features of the Harappan society was their city planning. It shows their advanced knowledge of infrastructure and development. Harappan cities were usually hundreds of km apart but still there were able to maintain uniformity. Every single Harappan city found so […]

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