How are the Harappans differ from the Vedic people?

Harappan civilization was older than Vedic but Harappans were more advanced in many ways. Vedic people were more like village people. Here is some major difference between them.

Harappan people vs Vedic people
Harappan people vs Vedic people
Harappan civilizationVedic civilization
Most of the animals familiar to the Indus people were also known to the Vedic people. These are sheep, cows, bulls, dogs, antelope, boar, buffaloes, lions, and elephants. The only difference is a horse.Vedic people were aware of the horse and domesticated it. 
The Harrapans were peace-loving people. No evidence of them attacking or being attacked from outside has been found. They had very basic weapons for protection.Vedic people were war-like people. they led expeditions into neighboring territories for booty and conquests. They knew some kind of Armour made from metal plates. 
Harapans were urban and more advanced than Vedic they were living in properly planned cities.Vedic people were mostly rural and living in town
Art, Craft, and trades were flourishing during the Harrapan times and were their source of income tooThe Vedic people were mostly depending on farming. 
Iron was not known to the Harrapan people. But didnt use it much.Vedic people were using Iron. 
The Indus pottery was wheel made and was painted red and black. Sometimes it was glazed too.Vedic pottery was simple. 
we can say that Indus people were far more advance than Vedic people.People were more like village people.
The treatment of hair from both people was somehow similar. Their hair was oiled and combed. Women wore them in a plait and sometimes in a coil. Men grew beards.  
Cotton Industry was known to both people Vedic and Aryan.
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